Support My Trek to Find a Cause, Treatment and Cure for MS

If you've been following my training progress, you know that I'm not just doing this for me. I'm training this hard and riding in the Bike MS to support the research efforts to find the cause, a treatment, and ultimately a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.

Please support me and this cause by making a donation. No matter how small, every little bit will help. If your employer matches, I'd be happy to take care of the matching paperwork for you too.

You can donate online or mail a check to:
Bike MS: Valero Bike to the Beach
National MS Society
P.O. Box 4125
Houston, TX 77210
To ensure proper credit to my fundraising, please be sure to print my name on your check.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I can't wait to share the success of this year's ride!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Group Ride

Another group ride on Sunday. Paula and Jack had a conflict. Robert and Marissa were tired from Robert's birthday last night. The weather is misting outside, so it's questionable. We check the weather for the part of town where the ride is and it looks okay, so we load up anyway. We pick up Sierra and head to the meeting point. Moments later, Michelle and her clan join us. The caravan heads out.

We check the bikes, make a quick adjustment to my seat, the kids climb in their trailer and we set off. Pete coaching three new riders and I'm riding sweep from behind. Now that I know how to shift better, I can grab a low gear and stay there much better.

The loaded trailer of two kids is a challenge for Andy, but he keeps on trucking. Sierra is struggling with an unknown bike, but making it. Michelle is pedaling along and still laughing and joking. At just over two miles, Andy cannot pull the additional 100 pounds any further. As a group we decide to turn around.

On the return trip, there is a slight incline (or so I'm told, to a new rider like me, it's a hill.) I decide this is my chance to push myself for the day, so I set my gear and hit a cadence of 80. I take off and am determined to make it "up the hill" while maintaining that cadence. This not only pushes me, but challenges me to shift appropriately too. I did it!

We get back to the truck and load up. We are all proud of ourselves as the rain starts to fall, so we head out. After a lunch stop at Twin Sisters; Pete, Sierra, and I are off to Bike World. Sierra is looking at bikes and they have gotten in two in her size, so she and Pete go out for a test ride. Meanwhile, I'm looking at bike shorts. After yesterday's tenderness, I'm ready for those padded shorts, spandex or not. I found a pair of capris - even better! They fit, so I'll give them a shot. If I like the padded pants, I'll special order the more heavily padded ones in my size.

Being the shoppers we are, Sierra and I discover there is a difference in men and women's gloves. Then I discover gloves in blue to match my bike! And Bike World is having a sale. Girl math! Must make a purchase to save.


Today's Miles: 4.4
Total Miles Achieved: 30.8
Financial Investment: $216.39
Total Weight Loss: 2

Saturday, March 29, 2008

San Antonio Wheelmen Ride

Pete agreed to photograph the San Antonio Wheelmen class before their weekly ride this morning. That meant we had to be at one of the ride points, so we geared up the cameras, loaded up the bikes, and headed over early this morning. We took some group shots. Then headed out on the route and took some shots of the group as they rode by. Task completed, we drove back to the parking lot, unloaded our bikes and set out. I had decided my personal goal was to hit 15 miles today. The route started nice and easy with what seemed like a warm-up built into the route.

I'm not yet ready to pull out the water bottle and drink while I'm riding, so at 3.5 miles, I needed a water break. That done, we were back on the road, except we had just turned a corner. The wind was now in my face and I could not hold a cadence of 70. Pete sensed my struggling and pulled in front of me shielding the wind a bit. Wow! Now I could do 75! I foolishly tried shifting to see if I could hit 80. As I started to fall behind, the wind got stronger and my cadence really fell, so I shifted back, double-timed it and was back in place.

At 5.5 miles, the road surface changed and I was suddenly aware of the seat I was sitting on. I also became painfully aware of the edge of my underwear and where it was being pushed into my butt. About this time, Pete notices in his mirror that my face is red. He falls back to check on me. I've decided I'll go to six miles and see how I'm doing. I tell him his shield is working, so he pulls back in front.

At 6.2 miles, I've had it. I had started to think I could make it to the stop sign we had seen while out taking photos, but that is nowhere in sight yet and my butt hurts. I know I have to go back as far as I came and I'm not sure I should proceed on. Another water break and Pete heads off at his speed for more distance and I turn around to double back. We did the first 6.2 miles in 37 minutes. That sounds impressive, I think.

Now the wind is at my back and I'm okay. The butt is still sore but I think I can make it. I stop at the same stop sign for a mid-way break on the return trip. Then I hit 10 miles! Wow! That was a feeling! It energized me for about half a mile. Then I started to struggle to hit 11 miles.

I know the highway crossing is coming up and I'm a bit nervous about being tired and crossing a five lane highway by myself. I rest for a few minutes at the gas station on the corner and watch the traffic pattern. I decide I might as well go for it, so I get back on the bike. As I pull up to the stop sign, there are no cars in sight, so I keep rolling across the highway. I did it! Now that I'm across, I'm in the home stretch. The last bit of the ride is uneventful. The local cop waves as he passes me and sees me signal for my turn. Before I know it, I'm back at the truck. I finish my water and load my bike onto the rack. Holy cow I did 12.4 miles today!

Today's Miles: 12.4
Total Miles Achieved: 26.4
Financial Investment: $90.64
Total Weight Loss: 2

Friday, March 28, 2008

Shoe Sale!

At lunch today, Leslie and I headed over to DSW. We had a 30% off coupon (thanks to Trinity) so we had to go see what kind of money we could save by spending some. Gotta love girl math! I've never had much luck at DSW. My wide foot doesn't fit most of the shoes there. Although they carry brands that I can get at other stores in a wide width, they only stock the average width shoes. I discovered this must be why I don't have much of a shoe collection.

I did however spot a pair of sneakers that are shaped quite a bit like a bike shoe. They even velcro. But there a plastic shoe and look like they would breath well. I try them on and they fit. Amazingly, the shoe is actually padded quite a bit so they are comfortable too. I can't go wrong as the shoes are only $25 after the 30% off coupon. I think they'll work for now. Much better than the investment in bike shoes that will run me $100-$300, plus I'd have to get special pedals for those too!

Today's Miles: 0
Total Miles Achieved: 14
Financial Investment: $90.64
Total Weight Loss: 2

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bike Shopping

Sierra has decided she wants to ride with us. However, she doesn't have a bike, but her inseam is about the same as Pete's. So, Pete offers to loan her his silver bike. She wants to shop for one too, so we take her to Bike World to get her measured and properly fit on a bike. Pete spends the time educating us on bikes, gear, etc. It's easy to see how fast you can spend money on all of the gear and the cheapest bike is $800!

I decided after our last ride that I needed a new helmet, so I got sized and picked out a pretty blue one to match my blue bike. New helmet in hand and two bikes to be transferred for Sierra, we're out the door much more knowledgeable on bike and gear.

Today's Miles: 0
Total Miles Achieved: 14
Financial Investment: $64.64
Total Weight Loss: 2

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Ride - Bad Weather

We had a ride scheduled for this morning, despite the holiday. Unfortunately, we had to cancel it due to bad weather. The prediction was for 20 mph winds and 30% chance of thunderstorms. Yuck! We'll put it off for a week. Oh well.

Sadly, the weather has really not been good for riding all winter. We may have perfect days during the week, but then the weekend comes and the wind picks up or the rain comes. I still have time, so I'm not worried, but Pete has a ride the second week of April, and he hasn't been training like he should. Oh well, he'll get there now that the trainer is set up in the new house.

Today's Miles: 0
Total Miles Achieved: 14
Financial Investment: $0
Total Weight Loss: 2

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mission Trail Group Ride

Some friends mentioned wanting to ride with us, so we arranged a group ride for today on the Mission Trail. Pete loaded up the bikes and we headed over to Robert and Marissa's to meet up. Paula and Jack joined us and Robert loaded Baby Franco's new bike trailer. We caravaned down to Mission San José. After a quick bike inspection of tire pressure and attaching the baby trailer, we were off!

The nine-mile round trip from Mission San José to Mission Espada is a trail along the San Antonio river. We started out in a group of six (well seven if you count the baby) with Pete leading and coaching and I kept the group together from behind.

Once we hit the trail, I couldn't pedal that slow anymore (apparently since I'm not yet well versed in shifting.) Armed with my new computer, I took off at what felt like a comfortable pace with steady pedaling. Pete eventually caught up with me and asked my rpm (this is known as cadence to cyclists.) I proudly reported that I was holding at a pretty steady 60. It was a super windy day, so I'd fall below that when a big gust of wind hit me in the face. I was instructed that I should be aiming at 80 for a good cardio workout. Well, shoot! Here I am ahead of the pack, pulling away from them thinking I'm doing well, and now I have to pedal harder?!?!? He's right though, so off I go. Gotta get the cardio workout.

The wind truly was a challenge, and with it being a headwind, it made the uphills even worse. 80 rpm was just not happening today. I could hit it, but not sustain it, so I adjusted my personal goal for the day to 70. My coach was busy, so that was unapproved, but I decided at least I was trying to push myself and hold something rather than getting the 80 in bursts.

Baby Franco was getting fussy in the trailer, so Robert and Marissa headed back. Paula, Jack, Pete and I trucked on into the wind. I got some coaching on shifting and began to better understand how, when, and why to shift. Usually, I find a gear that feels good and then forget about the gears. Pete coached me through a big downhill and uphill. I thought I was prepared for the uphill, but yikes! It was a big one. He cheered me on, and somehow managed to pedal slow enough to keep up with me. Paula and Jack gave up in middle of the hill and turned around. I was determined and I made it!

At the top of the hill, was Mission Espada and the turn-around point for the trail. I was exhausted, out of breath, and feeling my cold again, but I made it. However, it really was only half-way because now I had to bike back to the truck. We did it. Pete coached me through it. I enjoyed the ride and felt really good about getting out there. Yes, it was only nine miles and wasn't all that fast, but it was an improvement. Watching the numbers on the computer did it's job to help motivate me and keep me steady. Hopefully next time it will be less windy and I can focus more on the biking than beating the wind.

Today's Miles: 9
Total Miles Achieved: 14
Financial Investment: $0
Total Weight Loss: 2