Support My Trek to Find a Cause, Treatment and Cure for MS

If you've been following my training progress, you know that I'm not just doing this for me. I'm training this hard and riding in the Bike MS to support the research efforts to find the cause, a treatment, and ultimately a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.

Please support me and this cause by making a donation. No matter how small, every little bit will help. If your employer matches, I'd be happy to take care of the matching paperwork for you too.

You can donate online or mail a check to:
Bike MS: Valero Bike to the Beach
National MS Society
P.O. Box 4125
Houston, TX 77210
To ensure proper credit to my fundraising, please be sure to print my name on your check.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I can't wait to share the success of this year's ride!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bike Shopping

Sierra has decided she wants to ride with us. However, she doesn't have a bike, but her inseam is about the same as Pete's. So, Pete offers to loan her his silver bike. She wants to shop for one too, so we take her to Bike World to get her measured and properly fit on a bike. Pete spends the time educating us on bikes, gear, etc. It's easy to see how fast you can spend money on all of the gear and the cheapest bike is $800!

I decided after our last ride that I needed a new helmet, so I got sized and picked out a pretty blue one to match my blue bike. New helmet in hand and two bikes to be transferred for Sierra, we're out the door much more knowledgeable on bike and gear.

Today's Miles: 0
Total Miles Achieved: 14
Financial Investment: $64.64
Total Weight Loss: 2

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