Support My Trek to Find a Cause, Treatment and Cure for MS

If you've been following my training progress, you know that I'm not just doing this for me. I'm training this hard and riding in the Bike MS to support the research efforts to find the cause, a treatment, and ultimately a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.

Please support me and this cause by making a donation. No matter how small, every little bit will help. If your employer matches, I'd be happy to take care of the matching paperwork for you too.

You can donate online or mail a check to:
Bike MS: Valero Bike to the Beach
National MS Society
P.O. Box 4125
Houston, TX 77210
To ensure proper credit to my fundraising, please be sure to print my name on your check.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I can't wait to share the success of this year's ride!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cibolo Saddle Killing Me

Today is probably the roughest ride I've had yet. The plan was for a 55 mile spliced together "new" route from Cibolo. I made it six miles and was in pain and needed to get off the bike, but I decided to push myself and make it out to the raceway on Santa Clara and I-10. At that point, I couldn't keep going and had to take a break. Erica stopped with me and we watched the last of the group vanish over I-10.

After some Gu and some bending and stretching I decided to get to the pie shop. That would be my decision point. I made it to pie and was in pain. After a brief break though, I was feeling better and was anxious to see the new sections of this route.

I get on the bike and am uncomfortable. I decide it's just the "back on the bike" feeling and try to push through. The first section of road is a little bumpy, a slow uphill incline, and we're riding into the wind. That's the trifecta of a bad ride! Especially when you're already in pain! I try to keep pushing through, but I'm slowing down and can't keep myself on the bike for much distance at all.

At the next intersection, Pete is waiting for Erica and me. Erica needed to be home by a certain time, so this was her decision point. I admitted my pain to Pete and on the verge of tears had to admit that I couldn't continue on and needed to turn back. So, Erica and I decided we'd both be best off by doubling back. We go two miles and I need to stop again. I'm in so much pain but amazed at how a little bending and stretching makes me think it's better. Just then, I told Erica we needed to make it back to the pie shop. For the first time ever, I need to go to the restroom before I'm at a breakpoint. It was not a comfortable feeling being on that saddle, but it kept me moving through the pain to get there.

After a rest and some snacks, we're ready to go. Erica had the idea to take my buff and wrap it around the nose of the saddle. I'm skeptical that it will work as it will move around, but decide anything is worth a try. Sure enough, it works! It's just enough of a change, that I have a little relief from the pressure. I'm still moving slow and I still need to get off the bike a few times.

Then I think I've hit my pain threshold and I can't continue. We stop on Linn Road in the shade. I'm truly blinking back tears from the pain now. The thought of climbing back on the bike is not one I'm ready to think about. Erica makes me laugh, but it's short-lived. Then she offers the go get the truck for me. I don't hesitate and agree. I tell her I may try to get to the speedway which would be an easier turn-around for the truck. She heads out and pushes herself to get back.

After some pity time, I decide to get to the speedway. When I get there, I'm not actually ready to get off the bike, so I decide to go to Lower Seguin. I make the turn and now I know I'm within six miles. I know there is a shady driveway ahead, so I make for the driveway which was about a mile down the road - further than I remember. I stop and have some Gu. Now I'm within five miles and Erica hasn't called to say she's at the truck yet. I decide if I can go another two miles to the next turn, then I'm on the home stretch. I know I can sit on the bike that far. Just as I begin to pedal Erica calls. I answer "Don't come get me! I'm only five miles out and now I'm going to make it!"

She laughed and said okay, but she was waiting for me. I make it my two miles and stop for a quick break. A stretch or two and I'm back on the bike. I make the turn and as I'm looking at my three-mile straight-a-way homestretch, I think I see Erica's car approaching. Sure enough, she's backdriving the route to check on me. I give her the thumbs up and say, "I'm going to make it!" She cheers and turns around. I pedal all the way back in with her chasing me and keeping the cars at bay.

I pull in to the parking lot and I can hardly believe I made it back in that much pain under my own power. I'm thrilled, but disappointed that I didn't get to do the full 55 mile route and now one more weekend has passed and we are that much closer to the event and I have not been able to complete a 50 mile ride.

I backdrive the route and find the rest of our group about seven miles out. One of the guys, Tom, was having a rough ride and decided he was done and jumped in the truck with me. The rest of the group finished and seemed exhausted as the last ten miles had been into the wind again. They all raved about the route and were excited and I was disappointed that I couldn't do it.

I know I need to figure out the issues with my saddle. I also need to figure out how it suddenly became so easy for me to accept a lift from the truck. I need to learn how to push through the pain, but I don't know when it's smart to do so and when it's not.

Today's Miles: 35.11
Total Miles Achieved: 877.93
Financial Investment: $1988.47
Total Weight Loss: 0

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