Support My Trek to Find a Cause, Treatment and Cure for MS

If you've been following my training progress, you know that I'm not just doing this for me. I'm training this hard and riding in the Bike MS to support the research efforts to find the cause, a treatment, and ultimately a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.

Please support me and this cause by making a donation. No matter how small, every little bit will help. If your employer matches, I'd be happy to take care of the matching paperwork for you too.

You can donate online or mail a check to:
Bike MS: Valero Bike to the Beach
National MS Society
P.O. Box 4125
Houston, TX 77210
To ensure proper credit to my fundraising, please be sure to print my name on your check.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I can't wait to share the success of this year's ride!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Breaking 30 Miles!

Today was the monthly “stay together” ride for the San Antonio Wheelmen. There was quite the crowd this month! It sounds like crowds begin to form over the summer as training gets into full swing for the MS 150 (to be known as Bike MS this year). This is my attempt at the ride I failed miserably a month ago. I’ve been mentally preparing for this ride all week. Pete and I agreed to do the “wheelmen thing” when we arrive at the parking lot so we aren’t surprised by the route again. This means that we arrive, park, go sign in, grab a map and highlight the route off of the master from the leader’s car, then get ourselves and our bikes ready.

I’m ready for this ride. I know the route (assuming they go “our way” this time). I’m more confident in my biking. J.D., who has become my second coach, is going to be riding sweep, and she already knows I’m a novice and still slow. I just have to keep pedaling and I can do it.

We’re at a new start location due to the construction in this small town. I’m surprised when a co-worker pulls in and parks next to us. I’m constantly amazed by the people I learn are fellow cyclists! The parking lot filled up fast. There are almost 30 people for the stay together ride, plus everyone doing the longer distances at their faster speeds! Thankfully, today we’re doing the standard route that Pete and I have done a number of times. This should help with part of my mental game in the section of the route in this area that I don’t know.

We head out and I’m doing a good job of pacing Pete. We seem to be holding a steady 13 mph and I feel like I’m really moving! We make a turn and there’s some confusion on if we’re waiting for the ones behind me, or if the group is to keep on moving, so Cliff asks Pete to head up to the front and lead the route. Meanwhile I stop and just as I get off my bike for a quick break, Cliff says we’re heading out. Now I’m behind and being a slow cyclist, there’s no catching up! So I pedal along at my pace knowing that J.D. and one other cyclist are behind me.

Eventually, Pete doubles back and he and I ride together again. He’s in time to coach me on a hill. He mentioned this hill last night, so I have an idea of what to expect. He helps me through some of the shifting, but I struggle to get into the small ring again. I don’t give up though and I just keep on pedaling in the smallest gear my bike will let me use. I get passed by the other cyclist, but I make it up the hill on two wheels on my first attempt! I’m psyched!

We turn off the highway and have now regrouped with the stay-together group, but they’re ready to move on. *sigh!* I need a chance to catch my breath. Pete, J.D. and the other cyclist tell me to take my time and wait for me. We’re off again and the four of us seem to be moving at about the same pace. That is, until the next hill. Pete hangs back with me and I just keep on going.

Eventually, we get to the gas station that is the 1/3 way point and we regroup. Thankfully, we’re in the shade. I’m enjoying the break and feel like I’m doing well. When the group is ready to head out, I am too. I think I’ll work on keeping up with the group from the beginning this time. However, we hit the access road and my legs are locked. They do not want to go around and we have a bit of a headwind.

I downshift and try to keep moving. I am moving, but the group is moving faster. They also have the advantage of the group breaking through the wind together and I’m going it alone. Oh well. I manage to almost catch up with the group as we go up and over the overpass. Pedal as I may, I cannot keep up with the group and fall off the back again. I’m determined though, so we just keep on moving and enjoy the scenery as we go.

The group regroups (or waits for me) at the same church Pete and I rested at once before. Part of the group wants more mileage, so they decide at what point they’re going to break off for more. J.D. will lead the others in to the parking lot and Pete will sweep to make sure no one (truth be told, me) gets left behind. Once again, I manage to keep up with the group, even over the overpass, until we hit the two hills. By the time I crest the first hill, I can only see three cyclists in front of us. At the cresting of the second hill, we’re alone, left in the dust, again. Oh well. I managed to make it up these two hills and I know that I did it better than I did last time, so I’m happy with that. I’m working on catching my breath and lowering my heart rate more quickly too.

We make it back to the parking lot and I look down at my computer to see we’ve gone 28.7 miles. I loop around the parking lot once as people cheer and welcome me in. One guy says, “you made it back just as it’s getting hot out.” I smile and say “no kidding” then should out to Pete “I need another mile!” and I head out into the neighborhood. He follows me and we wander around until the mileage is enough that I’ll break 30 before I end the ride.

I pushed myself today, and I feel good about it. I stopped when I knew that I needed to and didn’t worry about the others being upset at my slow speed. In all, we were stopped for a mere 22 minutes and I pedaled for 2 hours and 45 minutes. That’s not much of a break for a 30 mile ride, for me at least! I’ll get there though. Actually, I am there now! Even with today's struggles, I averaged 10.9 mph for the ride.

Today's Miles: 30.1
Total Miles Achieved: 250.1
Financial Investment: $863.55
Total Weight Loss: -0.2

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