Support My Trek to Find a Cause, Treatment and Cure for MS

If you've been following my training progress, you know that I'm not just doing this for me. I'm training this hard and riding in the Bike MS to support the research efforts to find the cause, a treatment, and ultimately a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.

Please support me and this cause by making a donation. No matter how small, every little bit will help. If your employer matches, I'd be happy to take care of the matching paperwork for you too.

You can donate online or mail a check to:
Bike MS: Valero Bike to the Beach
National MS Society
P.O. Box 4125
Houston, TX 77210
To ensure proper credit to my fundraising, please be sure to print my name on your check.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I can't wait to share the success of this year's ride!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Women’s Weekly Ride

We’re having strange random rain sprinkles today. The ride is questionable if weather will allow us to get out or not tonight. I work so close to the bike shop where we start that it just makes sense to stop by to try and ride. Sure enough, J.D. says we’re on for the ride. I purchase my electrolyte replacement snacks (I don’t count the food and drink intake in my financial investment tracking) and head to the bathroom to change for the ride.

When I come out, Pete has arrived with our bikes and is talking to J.D. and Cindy, the owner of the shop. I walk over and discover they’re talking about my recent bike shopping and research. Cindy is my height, and J.D. is a couple inches taller. Pete mentions that although Tom has measured me as a 47cm bike fit, I think I want to try a 43 because the standover is shorter as is the reach.

These two women, who know a lot more about bikes and have been biking much longer than I, are convinced that I do not need a 43. They started explaining the challenges of a 43, the frustrations of a two different wheel size garage, the unimportance of standover, etc. J.D. told me to watch how she leans her bike on the ride today. Then Cindy mentions I should do a test ride of the demo bike they have in stock. That’s exactly what I’ve wanted to do! The shop let’s you take the bike out for a test ride, but you only go a few blocks and back. I’d rather truly get a feel for the bike on a ten mile ride. So, we agree that next Thursday I’ll set out right at six so I’m back before the store closes at seven and can return the bike. It’s too bad only Cindy (not J.D. or Tom) knew this demo bike was at the store or that I could take it out for a ride.

We ended up with only five women for the ride tonight. We took it slow and easy. We watched a near miss car accident and held our positions at the stop sign until that was over and the cars were out of the way. No one else seemed interested when J.D. offered some hill coaching, so she sent the other girls ahead and worked with me on shifting from the big ring (using downhill power to start me up a hill) and getting into the middle ring at the right time. I actually passed two of the girls as I went up the hill! When Pete met up with us, J.D. started telling him how awesome I did on the hill. Whoo-hoo! I felt great.

Then it was time for the false flat and the bigger hill. I did it. I just kept on the attack and watched my cadence on the false flat. J.D. stuck with me, coached me through it and picked up the conversation when I was out of breath. Going up the last hill, she told me to attack it with the big ring. “WHAT??? There’s not enough downhill momentum.” She says, “Yes there is, give it a shot. You can do it.” So off I go. I had some gear problems and missed a couple attacks in my cadence, so I ended up going up the hill super slow, but I made it. We stopped to catch our breath and meet up with the girls that took off for a bigger hill.

I wore my new shorts today and tried one of the pairs of low profile socks. I'm liking the shorts so far. Sadly, I think this pair of socks is too low. Thankfully, I wore these socks only for a ten mile ride. There is a spot on my left ankle that is red and irritated. I haven't looked closely enough to know if it's a blister yet, or if it was a blister that I developed and popped on the ride. I'll have to be sure to wear higher profile socks for the longer rides this weekend.

It was a great night for a ride. The weather was cooler and the rain stayed away. We had a small group, so we all gabbed a bit. J.D. stuck tight and coached me through all kinds of things tonight. Pete was there to cheer me on and celebrate in my success. I get so much out of these little ten mile rides on Thursday nights!

Today's Miles: 10
Total Miles Achieved: 298.4
Financial Investment: $972.39
Total Weight Loss: -0.2

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