Support My Trek to Find a Cause, Treatment and Cure for MS

If you've been following my training progress, you know that I'm not just doing this for me. I'm training this hard and riding in the Bike MS to support the research efforts to find the cause, a treatment, and ultimately a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.

Please support me and this cause by making a donation. No matter how small, every little bit will help. If your employer matches, I'd be happy to take care of the matching paperwork for you too.

You can donate online or mail a check to:
Bike MS: Valero Bike to the Beach
National MS Society
P.O. Box 4125
Houston, TX 77210
To ensure proper credit to my fundraising, please be sure to print my name on your check.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I can't wait to share the success of this year's ride!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Poster Promotion

My friend and co-worker, KJ, took this photo of me on my shiny, new, blue road bike and made this awesome poster promoting my fund raising, the ride event, and the cause. She did an amazing job! I love the use of the circles and with the blue and orange, it ties right in to all of the other promotions for the Bike to the Beach event.

The poster is now printed and hanging on the window to my office at work. I sit on a main hallway, so it should get a lot of attention. Now to print the donation matching forms and send more emails for contributions!

Today's Miles: 0
Total Miles Achieved: 693.6
Financial Investment: $2015.24
Total Weight Loss: 0

1 comment:

KJ said...

Whoo hoo! This looks SO good. ;o)